Warnings and safety instructions

The safety and quality of the products available in our stores always comes first. Nevertheless, before buying the product, follow the recommended minimum or. the highest age of the user, the minimum or the maximum permissible load on the product, as well as the skills necessary for the safe and correct and safe use of the product. Please also observe the following WARNINGS and SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS!

1. Toys not suitable for children under 36 months


Some toys, due to their shape, content and usability, are not suitable or. they can be dangerous for children under 36 months.
These toys are equipped with a warning:
WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months or Not suitable for children under three years, or the warning is in the form of the following graphic image:

This warning shall be accompanied by a brief explanation of the specific hazards which necessitate this precaution. Such marking shall not apply to toys which, because of their function, dimensions, characteristics, properties or other valid reasons, are manifestly unsuitable for children under 36 months of age.

2. Toys for leisure activities

DESCRIPTION: ‘leisure activity toy’ means a toy for home use in which the support structure remains stationary during the activity and the toy is intended for children to perform any of the following activities: climbing, jumping, rocking, sliding, rocking, rotating, crawling, crawling or any combination of these activities; the following warning is given on leisure toys:

WARNING! For home use only.

Toys for leisure activities, attached to the frame, and if necessary, other toys for leisure activities, are accompanied by instructions on or. in packaging, which warn of the need to check and maintain the main parts (springs, fasteners, supports) at certain intervals and emphasize that there may be falls or overturning, injury to the user if such a check is not carried out. The product must also be accompanied by instructions for the correct assembly of the toy, stating which parts can be dangerous if not assembled correctly. Specific information is provided regarding the appropriate surface on which the toy is to be placed.

3. Functional toys

DESCRIPTION: ‘functional toy’ means a toy that operates and is used in the same way as a product, device or machine intended for adults, and may be a scale model of such a product, device or machine; functional toys bear the following warning:

WARNING! The toy should only be used under the direct supervision of an adult.

These toys shall be provided with operating instructions and safety instructions to be followed by the user, with a warning that non-compliance with the user’s safety measures may expose them to the hazards (listed) normally associated with a device or product whose scale model or the imitation is represented by a toy. Such a toy must be kept out of the reach of children under the age specified by the manufacturer.

4. Chemical toys

DESCRIPTION: ‘chemical toy’ means a toy intended for the direct handling of chemical substances and mixtures and used in an appropriate manner according to age and under the supervision of an adult. Chemical toys include, in particular, the following toys: chemistry kits, plastic casting kits, miniature workshops for ceramics, enamelling or photography, and similar toys which may undergo a chemical reaction or similar change in substance during use. The following warning is given on chemical toys:

WARNING! Not suitable for children under (*) years. Use under the supervision of an adult. ”
* Age specified by the manufacturer.

The instructions for use of toys which in themselves contain dangerous substances or mixtures shall contain a warning of the dangers of those substances or mixtures and instructions concerning the precautions which the user must take to avoid the dangers. First aid is also provided in the event of a serious accident due to the use of this type of toy. Such toys must be kept out of the reach of children under the age specified by the manufacturer.

5. Skates, rollerblades, rollerblades, boards, scooters and toy bicycles for children

Where products are sold as toys, they shall bear the following warning:

WARNING! Protective equipment must be worn. Not for use in traffic.

The instructions for use include a warning that the toy should be used with caution as it requires a lot of skill to avoid falls or collisions that could result in injury to the user or a third party. It also states what is the recommended protective equipment (helmets, gloves, knee pads, elbow pads, etc.) to be used at the same time as the product.

6. Water toys

DESCRIPTION: ‘water toy’ means a toy intended for use in shallow water, which can carry or support a child on the water. The following warning is given on water toys:

WARNING! Use only in water suitable for shallow use for a child and under adult supervision.

7. Toys in food

Toys contained in or combined with foodstuffs shall bear the following warning:

WARNING! There is a toy in the food. Adult supervision recommended.

8. Imitations of protective masks and helmets

Imitations of protective masks and helmets include the following warning:

WARNING! This toy does not offer protection.

9. Toys suspended by cords, ropes, elastics or ribbons from a cradle, cot or pram

Toys suspended from cradles, cribs or prams by cords, ropes, elastics or ribbons shall bear the following warning:

WARNING! To prevent any injuries that may occur if the child becomes entangled, remove the toy as the child begins to place himself on his hands and knees in a crawling position.

10. Packaging of fragrances in olfactory game boards, cosmetic sets and tasting games


‘Olfactory board’ means a toy intended to help a child learn to recognize different smells or tastes;
‘Cosmetic set’ means a toy intended to teach children how to make products such as fragrances, soaps, creams, shampoos, bubble baths, glitters, lip make-up, other make-up, toothpaste and hair balms;
‘Tasting game’ means a toy intended to teach children how to make confectionery or dishes involving the use of food ingredients such as sweeteners, liquids, powders and flavorings;

The packaging of fragrances in olfactory game boards, cosmetic sets and tasting games containing fragrances (listed in Directive 2009/48 / EC on the safety of toys) shall bear the following warning:

WARNING! Contains fragrances that can cause allergies.

11. TOYS for use in, by and on water may be inflatable, but may also be made of other materials, such as foam products, non-inflatable swimming pools.

Play pools, these are pools with a water depth of 400 mm or less.

WARNINGS! Never leave a child unattended – risk of drowning;

children can drown in a very small amount of water. Empty the pool when not in use; do not install the pool on concrete, asphalt, or other hard surfaces.
12. Products for use in, by and on water


WARNINGS! It offers no protection against drowning; always fully inflate all air chambers; use only under the constant supervision of an adult; use only on the upper arm

Swimming jackets designed to teach swimming

WARNINGS: Does not provide protection against drowning; always fully inflate all air chambers; use only under the constant supervision of an adult;

Shark fin (SwimFin)

WARNINGS: Does not provide protection against drowning; use only under the constant supervision of an adult;

Fred’s ring

WARNINGS: Does not provide protection against drowning; always fully inflate all air chambers; use only under the constant supervision of an adult;

Larger swimming rings or cushions designed to teach swimming

WARNINGS: Does not provide protection against drowning; always fully inflate all air chambers; use only under the constant supervision of an adult;

Floating seats for learning to swim (up to the age of 36 months or up to a weight of 18 kg)

WARNINGS: Risk of tipping over; does not offer protection against drowning; always fully inflate all air chambers; use only under the constant supervision of an adult within easy reach of a floating seat;

Use is NOT permitted: for a user whose age or weight is below or above the indicated category; in the depth at which the child can stand; in breaking waves; in Tube bathtubs (age of the user from 6 years onwards).

WARNINGS! It does not protect against drowning; only for swimmers